→ Not all knowledge is worth believing in a debate. Some speakers tend to sugar-coat things and usually exaggerate things just to persuade the listeners. [sometimes to the extent they make up issues just to prove them right.]
→ Well, not all wants to acquire knowledge. Its a fact. Ask Juan Tamad. =p SECOND: To seek opinion.
→ Opinion? hah. What a joke. People often don't listen to opinions. They believe in their own opinions. Tahdah! That's why we have CHAOS!
→ Again, there are people who would never ask for opinions and would just let the RIVER flow. ahaha. Juan Tamad again. =p
THIRD: To broaden our understanding about life.
→ Well, life is life. In order to know about life. We don't need debate. It would make the world a mess. [no offense ser]
→ We can use other alternatives, debate is just an option. =p
FOURTH: To have something to talk about among friends.
→ Like what? Politics? hmmp...it makes us more curious. Sometimes curiosity can trigger us to be like THE BUZZ. TOO curious.
→ Well, when we talk, there's too many things to discuss. Especially for us, girls. We don't actually debate on it. We just share ideas. =p but not argue and debate.
FIFTH: To fight for their opinion and perspectives.
→ Well. True. But is debate the only way??
→ Debate is just an alternative and we don't actually FIGHT.
SIXTH: To let our minds work
→ We can use math or science. Again. Again. Why debate? There's no need for it if we want to let our minds work.
→ It's a quarrelsome way to make our minds work. Not good for adults. =p Hypertension can be a risk and a complication. Trust us sir. =p
SEVENTH:So that we can be like sir in ANC. =p → Being televised is a trauma to us. Well, it will test our self esteem but it can cause us to have phobias. ahaha
→ Sir, ammm. I think, no one can be like you. Definitely. You're the best!
.illusyonada de primera.
make us move
5:40 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
*Desiree Von D. Enriquez *Mae Katherine Godinez *Marienela Gay Wagas Section F.
.illusyonada de primera.
make us move
3:06 AM
hmmm..,why do we have tOdebatE?? ticK. tOck, suCh question, roaminG inside our headS.. whYnga ba?? illusyonadas, what's ouR answer??
FIRST.to acquire knowledge!
SECONDto seek opinion
THIRDto broaden our understanding about LIFE
FOURTHto have something to talk about among friends =p
FIFTHto fight for their opinion and perspectives
SIXTHto let our minds work
SEVENTH so that we can be like sir in ANC. hehe
P.S. sir, wahcha think?? hekhek=p
make us move
2:16 AM
.illusyonada de primera: rihanna in the house?! ™
° we can't stay like this forever, puppets need LOVE too.
†about us:
♥ Desiree Von Enriquez.
♥ Mae Katherine Godinez.
♥ Marienela Gay Wagas.
→ us at: asia's latin city
→ ateneans ←
*hate people who are:
+ obnoxious
+ hypocrite
+ rude
+ tupperwares, and low forms of plastics.
+ disrespectful
+ "maarte"
+ boastful
+ most especially people who are ego-centric and has a pea-sized brain! hahaa.:]]
why open a blog account? It was actually SIR HENRY'S idea. tenen.! (sir, ayan ah acknowledged.:P)